Monday, September 03, 2007

I was unaware of the effect that most recent post would have on people! Just wanted to clarify some questions that may have been brought up by my ambiguity. I am not upset at anyone, I was pointing out my hypocrisy in that I too had not blogged about the weekend. The need for sanity thoughts being sent my way has nothing to do with the is an issue that I have a tendency to have to deal with and it is helpful if there is some sanity floating in the air, I have the distince hope that I might get a contact high from it and start feeling better faster.

Anyway, things here are going pretty good, work is...well, work, it is neither good nor bad at this point, the current setup of our schedules sucks in that the position I am usually on right now because of the need to train two people in on only three shifts is incredibly boring and you end up doing much in the way of maintenance, cleaning and general busy work. The good at work is that I have been finally entrusted with a project, I get to set up a new test we are starting, it is determining the sodium in different things throughout the brewery...I get to set up the standards, known values and testing schedules!! I know, this sounds incredibly boring, but this is actually fun for I am not so bad there.

Boyos are good, we have run out of R's medicine for his ADHD and won't be able to get more until tomorrow afternoon...bummer, I hope he doesn't drive his teacher crazy and he still has a good time at school. He does have good days where he seems as if he doesn't need the medicine but who knows if that will be the case tomorrow. S is thouroughly addicted to video games again... I really want him doing more active things, but today when I kicked both boys out to play he grabbed a book and started reading on the porch...grrr...silly boy.

Hubby is good, we know now that he has at least two years of stability in his unit, meaning he is not going to Iraq any time soon. He is however in a unit that really pushes for extra training so he may be leaving here and there for more of that stuff...I can handle that way better than Iraq.

I am just getting over a head cold that had me feeling terrible for the entire Labor Day weekend, and a headache for the actual day. But I am, of course, feeling better just in time to go to work on I am on the 4:30 shift tomorrow, super early, but it will be a nice 4 day break from the dreaded 5:00 am shift mentioned above, I get to go back to it next week though...but atleast I get a break!!

Anyway..gots to go, Heroes in HD is starting!!



At 8:50 AM, Blogger Shel said...

First paragraph = huh?

Rest of post = Oh my god, I am so glad that it looks like Iraq is out of the equation, at least for a little while. That's such a relief and I know you must be just dancing on air.

As for Spencer, he's just getting to that age. I'm all for kicking 'em off the games and shoo'ing them outside. You should be so happy he WANTS to read, though. With as much as Travis and I read, I was in a panic that Sydny would be one of those people that "don't read books". What is that about, anyway? Now that she's burning through them almost faster than we can bring them into the house, I'm thrilled. But, I don't feel bad about telling her to take her book outside and read out there, either. It just comes down to the fact that Spencer will be the kind of kid he's going to be. If he turns out to be a book nerd like us, then more power to him. We didn't turn out soooo bad, did we? Don't answer that. lol


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