Sunday, November 27, 2005

How it went

Well, It actually went well. The visit with my mom I mean. We visited on Friday to make sure that we were okay and then today I brought the kids over to her hotel to visit her.


Got there and we said hello and talked small talk, never really talking about the things that were between us. Her husband showed up and I realized then that she and I were not the only ones hurting. Her husband, (we will call him J) is just about the sweetest guy in the world. I really missed him and he made sure to go out of his way to invite my hubby on sunday. We all discussed the things people discuss when they have not seen eachother in a while and that was pretty much the visit.


Brought the kids over at about 9:45 and visited until about 11:30 or so. We talked about little stuff and the occasionally bounced off the things that we have been fighting over, mostly the things I had done wrong or that had been perceived as wrong. One of her major complaints has been that 3 years ago, the last time she visited my house I had not made her feel very welcome. I finally found out that what she meant by this is that we had some friends visiting and none of them had offered to give up their seat for her, also I had not offered her a drink or anything to eat. I have already explained to her that my friends and I had already known that she and I were not going to be at the house for long and were leaving right away...hence the no seat offering. Secondly the drink (GOD, this is so petty), I explained today that most people who visit my home end up rather parched before I think to offer drinks. Matter of fact they usually have to ask...I am not one to think of those sue me (lol). I explained that I had not intended to make her feel unwelcome I just was ill mannered... That was about it, but it was a start. The boys had fun playing in the hotel room closet with a flash light...I think she really got to see them at their wierdest

So that was the visits...uneventful but somewhat productive. I have invited her to come to my new house when she comes up this Christmas...She (and by she I mean J) has accepted, so hopefully things dont "change" between now and then.

I just want her to see that I really am happy with my hubby and she has nothing to worry about, we are doing better than we have ever been.

Well that is it...



At 4:30 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Well, obviously on its own level it went well, and was good for the boys. Also nice to know J is still J. I would have wished for a little more responsibility coming from her on her end as to the state of your relationship with her, but healing takes time and hopefully this was a good first step.


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