Sunday, February 26, 2006

Short Hiatus

This next week is looking to be a LLLOOOONNNNNGGGG one. Lots of stuff due and so like last week I will probably not be posting during the week.

Things are going well here though, the boys are good. We have been terribly busy the last two or so weeks (including the weekends) and so we took today off, just hanging around the house and doing nothing really. Baseball season is upon us, I have been trying to find the district we are now in since we moved and now that I find it, they have closed the sign-ups so I am going to have to go kick some ass because the boys should be allowed to play. It is not their fault that the districts are so hard to figure out around here. The last one we were in never closed their sign-ups until the second or third game...the games here have not even started. It is about baseball not signing up on time!!

School is good, I was flipping through my calendar and realized that this week I have 2 exams, 3 labs (8pages long each), two journal reviews and one portfolio I probably won't be getting much in the way of free time, which kinda sucks but it is the price I pay for being able to graduate in May. Well, I should go get some sleep, you all take care!


Blogging and comments

I have to say that I really enjoy blogging. I like writing things on here and seeing what others say. I will admit...I am a comment whore.

When I was a kid I tried to keep a journal but for some reason I thought I had to write in it everyday or else I was doing it wrong. Needless to say with my track record here I have never been able to do anything daily (even take the meds I am supposed to!!) so for a long time I never kept one because I thought I was breaking some sort of journal rule. Well, I have grown up a bit and now I keep this blog and I don't even write in it daily! I love everyone's comments and am sorry that I don't comment on their blogs as often as I probably should.

"Where is she going with this?" you might ask. I don't really know, just wanted to say thanks for the comments!


Just when you think you know someone...

My FIL and I are polar opposites in politics, religion and any other aspect of living on this rock. I thought that I could predict his behaviors and the things he does especially what motivates him to do things. Well, I was wrong.

Hubby and I have been debating what to do with a little extra money we had, we had been thinking of getting a cheap laptop for me to use for school or a grill for him or a patio set for the family. Finally when we settled on a grill for him AND patio set for the family our car breaks down and requires some pretty hefty repairs. Now, we decided to go ahead and get the grill and see what parts of the patio set we can get.

FIL tells me at dinner last night that he decided to wipe his laptop and let me use it for school. He goes through the steps of wiping, formatting, loading and getting everything on it for me. This is just the sweetest thing! It will really help me because I have some breaks in my day that I can use a laptop to get some work done. He says it is because I was willing to give up a laptop for me so the family can have luxury items is the reason why he chose to do this. I have to say this is really one of the more thoughtful things anyone has ever done for me. Thanks FIL


Friday, February 17, 2006

Final Destination 3

Watched Final Destination 3 on Friday after things settled down and hubby and I could go out and celebrate our anniversary finally.

I liked it, the kids deaths in the movie were rather imaginative. the main girl...can't remember her name, had an issue with crying.

Those of you who know me, know that I CAN'T watch a movie where someone cries without crying with the movie person. This kinda sucks because this type of crying for some reason always gives me a headache. Now, the girl in FD3 cried so freakin much that I actually became immune to her tears...yes folks, it happened...I watched a movie and about half way through...I stopped crying with the girl!!! Yay me...just have to be able to do this in other movies and I will escape without a headache!!

Now a number of you know that some parts of movies can set me off with no lead in...and others can set me off if you just start saying key words... (only evil people use this for fun though E!!) I am also working on this now that I have realized that I can be there!!

Lol...night all


Thursday, February 16, 2006

Irrational fears

I can tell people things about my childhood and other such stuff that would seem personal with out reservation. I usually speak freely about the things I have been through or have happened to me. However, I have a LOT of trouble telling people about my irrational fears.

I have been thinking these last few days about said irrational fears. About why I cannot tell people about my irrational fears. I have finally come up with the reason for my reluctance. People don't make fun of other people because of a crappy childhood but fears that are ridiculous...that is another

I must first define an irrational fear; when you are afraid of something to the point that you go out of your way to avoid or lessen the effect. So I will share with you some of my many (yes, I have many, MANY) irrational fears:
1. The dark: I am afraid that something is sitting right infront of me, within millimeters of my face when I cannot see.
2. Cockroaches: No real need for an explanation except that they are very nasty.
3. Being stinky: I absolutely hate the thought of someone not liking the way I smell and seeing as how most people I know like pleasant smells I try to keep smelling pleasant (an effort much helped by quitting smoking)
4. Looking stupid: I know that this one is one of those that is near the top of most peoples lists but I want to emphasize that this also (in my book that applies only to me) includes anything that may or may not cause people to think badly of me whether they know me or not, even if it is another driver on the road.
5. Looking frumpy: This is one that kinda lumps together with stinky...e.g. frumpy=stinky some how.
6. Answering a question wrong or slightly wrong: I am always unsure if what I am thinking about actually applies to the question so sometimes even if I know the answer I won't say.

Now that I am writing these out though I see that they may not be all that irrational...just maybe a bit more intense than other peoples.

Oh, miscellaneous thing...I am always afraid that the people who make really bad movies will get their feelings hurt by the reviews.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

So here we are....

My mom is doing good. As the days progressed we found out more info. It turns out that the artery that goes around behind her heart had completely clogged off about three years ago. This was a "big one" that she never realized that she was having because the pain was in her back not like normal heart attacks. The one(s) she had Thursday and Friday were smaller but were more dangerous because her body had circumvented the artery that had clogged before but they were now clogged too and that was what was causing the newer heart attacks. Her doc said that had she waited through the second one she had on Thursday evening she would have died. As it was a friend of hers was nearby and drove her to the hospital and my mom is still with us.

I am relieved and still scared. I am so happy that she is okay. But you know me, I gotta turn it on me for at least a little bit. Apparently heart disease is rampant on her side of my family, I never knew this because she never spoke of her family. Matter of fact I found this out from my dad. Now that I know this I realize now that I need to change a few habits that I have formed. My mother's heart attacks and stroke at the ripe old ages of 45-52 have let me know that this is no laughing matter. I am switching from my very favorite Wonderbread to 100% whole grain wheat, I am cutting back on the uber-greasy cheeseburgers, I am going to reduce my weight and exercise, I am going to have my cholesterol checked regularly and most of all I am not going to die in 20 years!!


Friday, February 10, 2006

Written at 3pm 2/10/06

My mom had three heart attacks in the last 24 hours…

I am not sure I want to talk or write about it…I am worried and scared. They are going in for an angiogram/plasty right now…with any luck they may not have anything else to worry about. Hopefully the worst is over, hopefully. I fear that that is not likely though, see she had a stroke a couple three years ago and they had to do surgery on the left side of her throat…she died on the operating table but they resuscitated her. They recommended then that they should do the other side because it was very clogged too, but she opted not to have it…this is the vein that leads to her heart and is probably the one that caused the heart attacks. If all our worst fears are realized she will have to go to Medford to have open heart surgery to repair any damage, if this happens I will be going up to Oregon tonight or tomorrow. Best-case scenario, they tell her to take two aspirin and call them in the morning. I am not ready to be without my mommy…

Written at 11:00pm...

My mom came through the surgery okay. They had to put several stints in to open the arteries...but no other major problems. She will be going home from the hospital by tomorrow. I am not going to go to Oregon right now but I believe I will probably try very hard to get there for my spring break or in that general time...and atleast for a weekend.


Tuesday, February 07, 2006

February 7

Today is mine and my husbands anniversary. 12 years...yay us!!

He surprised me with a gift on my keyboard today. After a VERY long day at school, I came home and found a card and watch on the keyboard. It is a Pooh and Eeyore watch with the seconds being ticked off by little butterflies...I absolutely love it. I did not have a chance yet to get him a gift...I am thinking really hard to get him something VERY special.

My dad called this morning and confirmed plans to take the boys on Friday, he let it slip that he wanted to do it so we could have time for our anniversary. Everyone has been very cool...xoxo to all