Sunday, May 27, 2007

my weekend so far...long post

Well, this weekend is going pretty good, the boys had a blast at the fair, S faced some fears of large scary rides and realized they were more fun than scary. R wanted to ride everything, even the things that he was too short for...we actually went on the YoYo (swinging chairs that spin), bumper cars, Tilt-a-Whirl, a couple of those walk-through fun houses, a mini-roller coaster and a rather cheesy rocket ride. The boys won two prizes each and ate cotton candy and really yummy corndogs.

We got home really late and had to get up early for Turtle bay. My sister-in-law joined us for that one. It was really fun, they were having an exhibit on the of the main reasons I wanted to go. As you are entering the exhibit they give you a boarding pass with a name history and even travel mates, you carry that pass with you throughout the exhibit, and at the end you look your name up on a wall to find out if you lived or died...kinda morbid but it really gets you into the feeling of the whole ship...both R and S's people died, mine and SIL lived...the boys thought there was a The rest of the exhibit was fabulous...there were facts about the microbes that eat the iron and leave the long orange/brown ropes of iron ore from the ship (probably my favorite part), there were also lots of artifacts that were brought up from the bottom of the ocean and preserved (they told you all about how each type of item was preserved and why it was preserved that way, they also had people stationed about that would talk to you about what they "did" aboard the Titanic, one guy in particular was supposed to be a coal shoveler who won the honor of working aboard the ship, he talked about how he missed his wife and would we please tell her he loves her (you know me, I was nearly bawling) then asked us that if we found out we did not make it would we please bring with us a pint of Guinness!

The turtley part of turtle bay was great too, although the turtles were suspiciously absent. There was a part where you could feed birds, they were just cockatiels and parrots, but the kids loved it, the birds would actually get on your hand and sit there and eat if you stood still, the boys would get one on and then move suddenly to show me or SIL and away the thing would fly. There was also a butterfly display, the boys kept trying to get the butterflies to climb on their fingers the same way the birds did, but the butterflies would have none of it.

Lastly there was a water thingy...only word I can think to call it. it was a (very small) waterfall leading to a little pooling area, leading to a fast water area, to a table where they could put little slats to hold up the water then remove them and have a huge rush of water heading out to a water wheel, the kind that were used long ago to create energy for milling and what not. The boys had a blast playing with that for a while as SIL and I took a much needed break. Oh, I almost forgot, in the midst of this we visited the Sundial was really neat...I have some pretty cool pictures too...I will be sending those out via email.

Once we got back home we went to dinner at the Olive Garden...S complained when we first settled on this place to eat, "but I don't like olives" lol. The food was good, I of course, ate too much... really need to stop that..but the food was good!!! Then we went to see "Pirates of the Carribean 3" It was really good, a little on the bad halucinogen trip in some parts but all in all certainly better than Spidey. The reason I say this is because the critics are saying that Spidey is better than Pirates...BS!! Pirates rocked...make sure you watch the first two before you go watch three may struggle a bit to catch up...I did, but then again I have a TERRIBLE you might be okay.

Well that is about it for now...going to have to go do some laundry and get ready for my dad' has been a busy but very fun weekend so far...looking forward to the rest!


Thursday, May 24, 2007


Okay, sorry about that bummer post, I guess I just needed to let it out a little. Things are looking better now, I have come to the conclusion that I will have to go to Okland and kick some ass if they want to send him away right after he gets back.

As far as the rest of us, the boys are doing good, they are excited at the prospect of the fair, Turtle Bay, seeing Pirates with their aunt and going to grandpa's this weekend...not sure how all that is actually going to work out...but only live once! It is shaping up (as you can see from above) to be a pretty busy weekend, add to it, I have to work for a few hours on Monday, Memorial Day. Wont be getting paid extra for it either! Crapola!!

All in all a pretty good thing I have been busy because nights like last night would happen more often if I had time to think!

Well, gotta go, chilli is ready...last post title got me in the mood for chilli!


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I want my (Chili's) baby back...(ribs)

Missing hubby a lot tonight...a little weepy...okay a lot weepy. Talked to him today...(I am so grateful for being able to talk to him everyday) and he pointed out that the weekend after his graduation he will have to check into his new unit and could very well be deployed right away...for some reason, I had it in my head that every time I said "we expect him to be deployed within six months" that it would actually be six months away...I was trying so hard not to fool myself, and I did it anyway. It is kinda scary, he could go to Iraq, and I know that I have said in the past that he picked a pretty safe job, he did not, medics are a good target, they are on the road a lot. I think about him going away for a year and I get butterflies and weepy. I don't let myself think about any other possibilities that could occur while he is away, I just can't.

I will also not be able to go see him on the first weekend in June, it looks like he will just not have time to visit...but a couple weeks later we may be able to reschedule.

We did figure out that he is only 10 weeks from graduation, yay...I can't wait to see super hot baby.

Think I need to get to sleep...will update on our goings on when I am not so funky feeling.


Tuesday, May 15, 2007


OH, it is so nice to finally have a week where there is only one baseball game instead of five! The sigh in the title is one of relief...I really love watching the boys play baseball games but I was just simply wore out!!!

We are all doing good here...some better than others. S is doing really well, he has only one more game after the one today and unfortunately I am going to be working (but I will escape for a few hours for the game) so I am going to have to do some juggling for the transpo on this one. R got in trouble yesterday, his little girl-friend told him to hit another GIRL and he, not being one to ignore a girl he has a crush on, went right over and punched her. Needless to say I was pretty livid, he was grounded to his room for the night and only got to come out to eat dinner. I have tried very hard to hammer it into their heads that you NEVER, NEVER, NEVER hit a girl!! I don't care if people think I am being a non-feminist, but women should be protected by men and never hit. So I really gave him what-for and he was to go to school today and tell the little girl that told him to hit another girl that if she was going to tell him to do things that were wrong he cannot be her friend, and also appologize to the girl he hit. I hope this is the end of the issue, but we will continue to talk about it.

Work is good, they are changing my schedule next week, as I alluded to above, to 9-5:30....sucky but the shift I am going to be training on is usually12pm-8:30pm so I really can't complain! And it is doing microbiologyish stuff...yay...not so much with the chemistry and now with the micro!! woohoo! (sorry, let my inner geek slip out there)

Hubby is doing really well in training, he is still in the top part of his class. We are hammering out the details of the trip for August and I am going to take a dry run (yay) at it the first weekend of June...not sure what to tell the kids as I promised them that they would come with me the next time I went to visit hubby but I have realized that I really need to know ahead of time what is coming otherwise I willgo crazy trying to deal with them and a new situation...I have been given the idea of a business trip from my good friend D, but I am not a great fibber and I don't want to lie to them anyway...gonna have to mull this one over for a bit.

Our pool is acting up, it is still swimmable but the pool guy can't get enough suction to clean the bottom and sides with the vacuum. I know that we usually have to flush the system frequently and that may be what needs to be done...apparently it is not good for the filters to be flushed a lot though...but is green on the sides!!

Wow, I really can ramble can't I!!! This was going to be a short post but look what happened! It got all big!

Well, I am going to go, I have kidlets to pick up and get ready for baseball!


Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!

To all the mothers out there who work their butts off to raise good children, even the ones working to raise good puppies and kitties, Happy Mother's Day, I hope that you woke up to good things, and get all the love and appreciation you deserve on this day!

Mine is starting out really well and I am certain that it will end up even better!


Thursday, May 10, 2007

Good news...

Woohoo!!! I got the permanent position!!! The new bossman called me in today to tell me, I can't say anything at work until after he has informed the people who did not get the job (makes sense). He started the meeting out with a light slap on the wrist for me about an issue that happened Monday where I did not communicate an issue in a timely manner and it resulted in a large amount of beer being put on hold...I took total responsibility for it but at the same time was thinking, "bummer, I thought I was getting the job..." Then he goes on to tell me that he really likes my work and that they are going to offer me the permanent position!!

anyway...sorry for the long time no posting but I am still having trouble with blogger and logging in and posting on certain computers and etc.

Hubby is doing really well in Texas, he was at the top in his class but is now something like second or third. He was really bummed about the test that he did not do well on but I told him that as soon as they let the doofuses go out on pass, they are going to stop studying and he will be back at the top.

Boys are good, they are getting ready for the swim season, speaking of which, the pool is officially ready, it is at 69-72 F during the day. S's birthday party was a hit...I think I may have gone a teensy overboard, but the kids LOVED it and it was lots of fun and even a bit relaxing...okay...that last one was a was incredibly stressful for me because other people's kids are difficult to control at first...but they got better and then we all had fun...they actually jumped in the pool (the kids did), the temp at that time was only 62!! Crazy, crazy, crazy!!!

I am dead tired from going to work at 4 each morning and getting to bed around 9:30-10...but next week there is improvement on the horizon, I will be working at 4:30...hey! Don't laugh, that half hour makes all the difference!!

I have decided that the money I got back from my books for this past semester (Never used...started working) will go towards me, I am going tomorrow after work to get a massage...I am SSSOOOO looking forward to it!! I cannot wait, I have never had a professional massage before, hubby usually massages for me but he is not here so I have to do

Well, I had better go, S is chomping at the bit to spend his birthday money.