Thursday, July 26, 2007

Quick update

Well, all is well on the home front, working LOTS of hours trying to get some overtime for spending and also because there are some staffing problems in my section of the department, mainly that I am the only one Boyos are good, fighting and arguing a lot but otherwise healthy and happy.

Hubby is coming home in two weeks...just cannot put into words what this means for me and the boys...we really miss him, I can't wait to have my best friend world will be right again. He is doing good there, has to go to the field (sorta like camping but not fun) for the next week, it is raining cats and dogs but they are gonna make him go anyway. No word on the whole "going to have to go somewhere someday" front, rumors but that is about all. I worry that we may only get a few days with him, a week then he is gone again....I try not to think about it, but it is a possibility. An equal possibility is that he will remain here for some time...I am hoping, of course, that this is the one that actually happens.

Well, like I said short, I am tired and have a double shift tomorrow, lots of thanks to E and D and my FIL for all the babysitting support!


Tuesday, July 17, 2007


The trip to San Antonio was uneventful as far as the getting to Sacramento, getting on the plane, landing in San Antonio and getting to the hotel that I had reserved. Hubby texted me to ask if I had arrived and then called me and we made arrangements for the next day. The very first hitch turned out to be that the person I had made the credit-card-ensured-reservation was an idiot, she did not enter my phone number or the credit card so that they would hold it since I was arriving on a late flight, therefore, when the hotel started filling up they gave mine away…needless to say I was pretty pissed, yelled at the poor guy running the hotel that night and then called a taxi to take me to the next hotel down the road. It then occurred to me that if the low(ish) rent hotel I had made reservations at was full the nicer ones like Days Inn and others would probably be full too. I borrowed a phone book from the afore mentioned hotel clerk after apologizing for my yelling since he was not the idiot who made my reservation. I started calling hotels, eight hotels later my taxi arrives, there are so far no open hotels and I am virtually in tears since there are no openings so far. In all, with the help of my cabbie to find ones that are relatively close, I called seventeen hotels finally finding one on the other side of the base. They charged me $75 per night for a hotel room that had dirty sheets, mold in the shower and very dirty walls, but I was happy to find a room.


I woke up early since the plan was for hubby and I to meet at about six and go to breakfast. He pulled up in a convertible PT Cruiser that he had rented…awesome!! It was lots of fun to ride around and play music and just be together. After breakfast he took me back to my hotel and I checked out after confirming that I could have a room at a closer (not to mention nicer) Motel 6. He had a formation during the time I was checking out and we met up at the local Walmart, the cabbie who took me there explained that there were seven SuperWalmarts that he knew of and I asked him to take me to the closest. I also learned that San Antonio was the 8th largest city in the US. Neat. Hubby met me there and since we had a little time before I could check into the new hotel we went to the theater to watch the new Harry Potter movie at a theater that serves you food right in the theater while you are watching the movie, you could also order alcoholic drinks and I had a mimosa, my first and it was rather strong. The movie was pretty good, not as good as the first two and they skipped lots of the good, funny parts but I liked it. We made our way to the Motel 6, finding the way to it was very interesting, I gotta say, wireless internet in a moving car is freaking wonderful!! We were able to get on the internet and get directions which I gave to him while he drove, soooo cool. The hotel was unable to give me the room for about another 45 minutes (grrr) so we went to the Denny’s next door and he changed to civvies…looking goood….and had a cool glass of water. We finally got to the hotel and I will leave that part there. Later we went to dinner at the Tower of the Americas, it was really cool, the restaurant was one of those that spin slowly so you get a full view of the city while you eat. We were in a good spot to watch the sun set and had some really good steak and just talk. It was really nice, romantic and just what I needed. After we had to head back so he could get to his formation for accountability. The next day was looking rather bleak as he had fire-guard (literally what you think, watching for fires) until 9am and they were thought to be going to collect weapons at 1pm meaning a 12:30 or earlier accountability formation or even possibly not released at all. I had resigned myself to hoping for only a few minutes with him.


I was awoken by a phone call from my baby, saying he was on his way to get me, I looked at the clock, it was 7:30, one of his buddies had taken over his shift so he could have some time with me…thank you!!! He still had formation at 9 but we were looking at about an hour together, yippie!! He came and got me, I checked out of the motel (later learning that was a bit hasty) and we rode off to get some breakfast at Burger King on the post and then eat it while talking and sitting together outside his company, again really nice time. At 9 he went off to formation and I was going to wait for about a half hour to see if by chance he would have a little time after the formation. About 20 minutes later he came back with some friends in tow and told me he was released till 3:30!! I was soooo happy!! We dropped the friends off at the commissary and took him back to change into civvies, I wanted to hold his hand and kiss him in public…they kinda frown on that when he is in uniform. We then made our way to Lackland AFB, he wanted to see the BX (department store) there and compare it to the army base. After getting a little lost thanks to Google’s wonderful directions we got there and turns out the BX was about the same as the PX. Then we made our way to the Riverwalk and walked around there just checking things out and looking at the sights. We had lunch at a place called Joe’s Crab Shack, we used to go to one of them in Austin when we lived there and it was as good as we remembered it. We picked the boys up some souvenirs and then had to head back to the car because it was nearly time for him to go back to the unit. We stopped in at the Military Clothing and Sales and got him a CamelBak (a backpack made for holding lots of cold water) and some more souvenirs for the boys and the FIL. On the way out it became a little more real that he and I were going to be parting company because his unit was the next stop and I got a little teary. We stopped outside his unit and said good bye…it wasn’t as teary as previous goodbyes but I cried. We reminded each other that it was only three more weeks (hence the lessened teariness) and that then it would be home for him and we would be together again…like peas and carrots. I drove off, dropped off the rental car and the rental company gave me a ride on their shuttle to the airport. I am now sitting here, about an hour away from taking off and writing this…missing him terribly. Three weeks doesn’t seem nearly as long as seven months but I am afraid it will drag and drag…I cannot wait for him to be home, in the pool, making me laugh, being my spoon.

All in all, it was a fantastic trip, totally worth whatever hoops I had to jump through to move it back from the previous date and the hotel issues. Just a little longer….a little longer.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Alternate ending...

I was originally going to blog today about the drama and various crazy things that have been happening in mi casa so far this week...I have decided against that tactic as this week will, I repeat will, end beautifully. I am leaving this Friday after work to visit my wonderfully in-shape and sexy hubby. I am so looking forward to this visit that I get butterflies whenever I think of it...I really miss him, it makes me appreciate him more when he was home. I will hopefully be able to visit with him on Saturday and Sunday and then I have to leave at around 6 or 7 on Sunday. I hate that I will have to go, but he will be home just four short weeks later!! He unfortunately may be very busy and we might only have a few minutes, but any time will be wonderful.

Work is good, kids are still alive...for now, FIL is still kicking...for now and BIL is going to be getting his drivers license come hell or high water by next week. He is fighting it in his passive-aggressive way...but that will all come to naught...(sinister laugh)...he will be legally driving...dammit!!

Anyway, gotta get some sleep as I am extremely tired...3:30am comes early to those who stay up too late!


The obscure meme

1. We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.
2. Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged must make a post about their eight things and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog post, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don't forget to leave them each a comment telling them they're tagged, and to read your blog.

Eight Obscure/unknown things about me.

1. I usually stop going to stores once the people who work there start to recognize me. I don’t know why this is but it makes me incredibly uncomfortable for someone to see me in the store buying what could be very personal stuff and they know me, recognize me or anything like that. I know I said that I could be buying personal stuff but this is even true of some convenience stores where I usually do not buy anything personal.

2. I absolutely hate to ride in those big boat cars from the seventies. My father-in-law owns one and I avoid riding in it at all costs. As a child many of my mother’s “friends” owned them and it just makes me feel like so much white trash.

3. I often wonder how I ended up with such a great guy.

4. I try to give my inner drama queen a fix by watching a sad movie. If you see me watching Beaches, The Pursuit of Happyness, What Dreams May Come or some other such sappiness I am feeling the drama queen inside rear her ugly head and am trying to stop the shit I often stir up when this happens.

5. While most people know I am a complete space cadet and I would forget my ass if it wasn’t attached, they may not know that it has a cause and I am working towards curing/reducing my perpetual dingbattiness.

6. Most people also know that my mother and I do not get along very well, but I sometimes wish that we did and that we could go shopping together or do things together that other mothers and daughters do and there would be no judgment and no drama.

7. I am trying to reach a goal in life and it is to become more like my dad, self-sufficient, able to help friends and family financially, emotionally and physically, to be healthy in all those areas as well, still have the energy to deal with an active life at age 60, and have the best darn place for my grandkids to go and play (I know those last two are pretty far off but still…it’s good to have goals).

8. I am usually the one manning the camera because I don’t like how I look in pictures.

9. Bonus (why not E did it): 90% of the time I still don’t feel like a grown-up.

Unfortunately, the afore mentioned E has taken all my tags, hmmm, I will just pretend that I tagged them and that they are answering for me... :)