Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Bloggers block

Well all, sorry I have not posted in quite some time, I have been a bit busy with the working and the week is going to be worse as I have asked for MANY more hours for the preparing of the holidays and all the spending that goes with them. computer is on the blink, the fan has burned out, a freaking ten dollar fan and I have not had the time to go and get a new one...this sucks cause my computer is my grounding thingy and I feel like I am just dust in the wind!!

Good(ish) news though, one of my managers at work got fired because she was arrested for selling drugs and I am going to be asked to replace her...wierd...I have worked for them all of three weeks and they are promoting me over all the others who have been there for years!!! Anyway..i am going to take the promotion if they are actually going to ask me and make the extra bucks until I find a real job...please God don't let me keep working here forever though!!!

Anyway...gotta go stir some soup!


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Seeking advice on internet message boards...

I was perusing a health message board and found a question posted by a young teen girl entitled "Help, this isn't working for me..." :

Young teen girl question:
okay so i have tried fingering myself and it doesnt go all the way this normal?am i doing something wrong?

i think it's a sign from above that you need to quit. DO YOU WANT TO BE DOING THAT WHEN JESUS COMES?

Enough said!!

Saturday, November 04, 2006


Well, it is official...I am now an employee at Mickey D's...again. I am actually rather will be brainless work so it won't take all the stuffing out of me so I can train my focus elsewhere and they seem to be totally willing to work with my hours. The boss seems to be pretty strict but nice and as long as you don't break her cardinal rules (don't eat the food while you are working and come to work with all of your uniform already on) you dont have a problem.

I did my good deed for the day the other day and I feel pretty good about it, I am glad that timing just lent itself to me being in the right place at the right time. I am glad that my friend's son is relieved and able to concentrate on being a kid again because of it...he is a good kid.

Anyway...I am doing okay right now...just went through a wierd spell of being extremely tired, wanting to leave school and crawl back into bed, or leave appointments, job interviews etc just to go home and go to bed...I dropped into my doc's office yesterday and talked to him about it...he is so very cool...he thought it might be an effect of some medicine that I am on being out of whack so he put me on a once a day pill that will deliver the same amount of medication all day that I have been having to take (and forgetting to take) twice a day. I still have not gotten the prescription filled (duh) but I plan to today...

Besides all that, things are good, I am still working towards the county, state and fed jobs that are in line but nothing solid again...not talking about it...I think I might be afraid of jinxing the job...