Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Long time no post...

Well, it has been a while since I have done a real post...this is mostly because I have been a bit down...I have been trying to job hunt and even got an offer from Mervyns but they have not given me a training date...grrr bastards. So I have been still hunting. This has been rather frustrating as I have been hunting for nearly two months with naught but two real nibbles (interviews) and they went no where (see above).

Today, however, things changed...I went to two interviews, have another scheduled for tomorrow AND actually was hired (with an orientation and start date) at one of the jobs on the spot. It looks like I may have my choice of jobs...strangely I think I may be taking the one that I was offered today. Why strange, you ask? Because this job is for McDonalds...I hate the idea of going back to McD's and working there again..especially since I worked there as a teenager and the idea of coming back full circle kinda sucks. BUT...I will start Thursday, this means money coming in on time for R's birthday, also, I will be able to work an 8 hour shift before picking the boys up from school on M and W. This means that I wont have to work as many hours on the weekend or try to squeeze in working time rather than being with the boys or studying when I should be sleeping so I can hang with them. So, as strange as it may sound, Mickey D's is looking like the right job.

School is going...that is about all I am gonna say about that.

I have some irons in the fire for a real job too, working with Butte or Shasta county...but I will keep my lips sealed on that as well...seems everytime I bring up a job that may actually go somewhere it falls through...so my instincts tell me to shut up about it.

The boys are doing very well, S is dressing up at school today and is all excited, he is going as a dead-reaper-undead-skeleton-carrying-a-trident-with-a-mask guy. R is going as the devil, he calls it You-Know-Who, and his explanations to the people who are not in the know are rather funny, he points to the floor and whispers, "I'm going as You-Know-Who...you know..the really bad guy!" It was really difficult to find him a set of horns that weren't glued to his head but finally I found a set, they were the head band type and they were all glittery with feathers....ugh...took a bit of sewing to fix the "girly" problems...but now the band is black and the horns are a cloth red...he loves them...wears them everywhere...even to bed. Yesterday S and me and their uncle got S's shirt for his outfit going...that was funny...we were trying to make the shirt look old and ragged so we decided to burn it a bit...lol...it caught on fire and burned A LOT!! But it is still wearable and S is happy with it...not to mention he got to watch the eruption of the flames AND the subsequent panic trying to put them out, all of which he found absolutely fantastic!

Well that is it for me!!


Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Strange that there are so few Chrissy's

LogoThere are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

Friday, October 13, 2006

Yay me!!

I have been on the job search for a while now and today I finally landed a job!!!

Not a big fancy one that will pull me from the depths of my self attained poverty but still a job...I am no longer among the ranks of the unemployed!!

I now work for Mervyn's ...one of my FAVORITE stores and it is soooo cool because I will be getting a 15% discount on top of the fabulous sales they have! Still looking for something that pays a little better but this is a start! I should be starting next week some time..pending a background criminal check...I have no worries there...and a drug screening...none there either!

Well...that is my update...


Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Sorry to be a Debbie Downer you all, but I have to put this in...

Some may know my feelings on the war in Iraq. If you don't then here goes...I think we went in for the wrong reasons, we were lied to during a time when our country was at it's most emotionally vulnerable. The president (capitalization left out on purpose) misled this country who had been badly wounded out for a blood hunt that was illegal and wrong both on a moral and political level.

However, if anyone out there were to suggest that because I do not support the war I, therefore, must not support the troops they would be sadly mistaken. I was a soldier, though not in a time of war, and served in places that were both dangerous and very far away from home. I can relate to the soldier in the field...away...scared...lonely. I know the feeling of being forgotten, as if life were continuing for everyone else while mine had been put on hold indefinitely. I know the feeling of missing your husband, wife, kids, mother or father so badly that you cannot breathe.

What prompted all this melancholy talk you ask? While surfing the web tonight I came across this site. It is a breath taking and very inhuman listing of the troops who have died for each month we have been in Iraq...click on one of the bars and read the names...remember that these soldiers, airmen, marines and seamen are someones father, brother, mother, sister, child...they were living, loving, human beings just like you and I who chose to serve their country and were sent to fight this war...remember also that these are not all the people who died in this war...there were civilian contractors,Iraqi men, women, and children...

Veterans day is coming in a little over a month and Memorial Day is in the month of May...

Don't Forget

Monday, October 02, 2006


Not sure if this is really me...what do ya think???

What type of Fae are you?