Bloggers block
Well all, sorry I have not posted in quite some time, I have been a bit busy with the working and the week is going to be worse as I have asked for MANY more hours for the preparing of the holidays and all the spending that goes with them. computer is on the blink, the fan has burned out, a freaking ten dollar fan and I have not had the time to go and get a new one...this sucks cause my computer is my grounding thingy and I feel like I am just dust in the wind!!
Good(ish) news though, one of my managers at work got fired because she was arrested for selling drugs and I am going to be asked to replace her...wierd...I have worked for them all of three weeks and they are promoting me over all the others who have been there for years!!! Anyway..i am going to take the promotion if they are actually going to ask me and make the extra bucks until I find a real job...please God don't let me keep working here forever though!!!
Anyway...gotta go stir some soup!