Well, new job is going good. Hard work, but fun and good people.
My tooth is doing better, the doc here can't work on it because it has already had a root canal and they have to redo it I need to see a specialist, an endontist who will make the determination if I can keep my tooth or if I have to lose it. My regular dentist gave me some antibiotics to relieve some pressure until I can be seen by the endontist. However, thanks to my wonderful state insurance that I am truly grateful for having and am not complaining about it because of the fact that they have taken care of my family during nearly the entire time I was getting my degree, the nearest endontist that will take my insurance is in Fresno 300 miles away.
I have new insurance coming up through Chris in the military and I guess I will give them a try before I drive 300 miles! Thank God my dentist gave me the antibiotics because I do not think I would be able to make the wait if it was still so very painful!
Good news...maybe...on the job front. To begin, I am what is called a "temporary employee" which is just code for, "you are a junior employee and we do not want to provide vacation, sick days, insurance or other bennies." This is not a complaint, if I ran a business I would do the same thing...however, for my department (QA) this temporary employee label has gone from a 90 day probation period to nearly a year and a half...the good news, we are getting a new manager, he will be in on April 1st (hopefully this isnt a joke) and they are going to put on his things to do list, getting rid of the temp employee program or atleast bringing it back to 90 days. That is fantastic! Woo hoo....I will get vacation AND free beer...lol.
Hubby is doing good, he is cold and yucky sick but he is gonna make it through..only 4 weeks 5 days!! I am sooooo excited...everyone who can write, type or draw send him a letter, I know from my own experience how good it feels to get letters from home. If you don't have his address then shoot me an email or call or leave a note here and I will get it to you...it means so much to hear from your friends and family when you are going through something like this...ah, should also mention that his time to write letters is very limited so he will probably write back and it will be short but trust me, he REALLY would appreciate a letter, card, anything.
Anyway...kids are making noise so I guess I should go feed them...