Saturday, February 24, 2007


Well, new job is going good. Hard work, but fun and good people.

My tooth is doing better, the doc here can't work on it because it has already had a root canal and they have to redo it I need to see a specialist, an endontist who will make the determination if I can keep my tooth or if I have to lose it. My regular dentist gave me some antibiotics to relieve some pressure until I can be seen by the endontist. However, thanks to my wonderful state insurance that I am truly grateful for having and am not complaining about it because of the fact that they have taken care of my family during nearly the entire time I was getting my degree, the nearest endontist that will take my insurance is in Fresno 300 miles away.

I have new insurance coming up through Chris in the military and I guess I will give them a try before I drive 300 miles! Thank God my dentist gave me the antibiotics because I do not think I would be able to make the wait if it was still so very painful!

Good news...maybe...on the job front. To begin, I am what is called a "temporary employee" which is just code for, "you are a junior employee and we do not want to provide vacation, sick days, insurance or other bennies." This is not a complaint, if I ran a business I would do the same thing...however, for my department (QA) this temporary employee label has gone from a 90 day probation period to nearly a year and a half...the good news, we are getting a new manager, he will be in on April 1st (hopefully this isnt a joke) and they are going to put on his things to do list, getting rid of the temp employee program or atleast bringing it back to 90 days. That is fantastic! Woo hoo....I will get vacation AND free

Hubby is doing good, he is cold and yucky sick but he is gonna make it through..only 4 weeks 5 days!! I am sooooo excited...everyone who can write, type or draw send him a letter, I know from my own experience how good it feels to get letters from home. If you don't have his address then shoot me an email or call or leave a note here and I will get it to means so much to hear from your friends and family when you are going through something like this...ah, should also mention that his time to write letters is very limited so he will probably write back and it will be short but trust me, he REALLY would appreciate a letter, card, anything. are making noise so I guess I should go feed them...


Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Ugh, some may remember when I had to have a root canal, those who don't remember probably have not missed the great gleaming metal tooth that resulted from it...

Well folks, the stupid tooth is at it again...Hurts worse this time, at times my whole left side of my face feels like it has had a screwdriver shoved rather ungently into it. This of course means that I will have to go back to the dentist......I hate the dentist, they are an evil lot. The sad news is that I am not sure if my insurance will pay for it to be root canaled (sp?) again...this may mean that I will have a great gap where my silvery goodness currently resides. Not sure which I prefer...although I am beginning to think that the flipping thing needs to go...hurts too much!!

Eh, we will see tomorrow...hopefully I will atleast be in less pain.


Monday, February 19, 2007

Brewin' Beer

Well, I love my new job, they have lots of perks, free t-shirts, free shoes and free beer up the ying-yang...everyone going home from my house right now will probably end up with a free six pack. I got a free 12 pack last weekend and walked into work today to another free case of beer, this is in addition to the free case we get with our bi-weekly paychecks...not sure what I am going to do with it all, so will probably give it away or wash clothes with

I came home today and gave my boys a hug and realized that my hands still smelled like beer...Ya know, I like beer as much as the next girl, but I am getting a little wore out on the smell!!!

Anyway, right now they have me working 7-3:30 and it is a pretty good shift for me, hopefully I can convince them to keep me on it for a while.

Hubby is doing good, qualifies on the M-16 Wednesday...go baby go!!

Boys are good, going back to school tomorrow, thank God!! Took 'em to the zoo on Saturday in Sac. They loved it and we had lots of fun looking at the new baby tigers they have there, they are sooooo cute!! I have some great pics that if I ever figure out how to post them I will do so.

Congrats to Shel for hitting the century mark!! I know it has been a lot of hard work and I am very proud of you!!

Gotta go now.


Thursday, February 15, 2007

HBT Update #6

Well, hubby is doing good in basic, he has been there for 4 weeks now and is getting the hang of things. This week they are doing Basic Rifle Marksmanship or BRM. To do this, they do a really long ruck march out to the training site and "camp" out for the whole week...this sucks for him because when I went through it was only three days!

Anyway, he is doing that right now and there is no post so don't expect anything for a while. He is VERY busy so if someone gets a short note from him please don't take offense, he is just trying to get to everyone.

I have planned to go to see him graduate, I also plan to take the camera so after the beginning of April if anyone wants to see the film, just come on over on a Saturday that we are gaming early and I will have it to play. I will be leaving March 28 and returning April 2. I am sooooo excited!!

Okay...gotta go for now...


Friday, February 09, 2007

Spelling Bee

Spencer made 2nd place in his school spelling bee today...I am so proud of him, we have only been studying the word list for about two days so this was actually fantastic. The word he got out on was skein. He did so good, and he is so proud... he will be going on to the county spelling bee in March...I believe Spencer and Lash will be going up against eachother! woohoo...good job baku

Yay Spencer!!


Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Scratch that!!

I got the job, I got the job, I got the job!! Woo hoo!!! Yay, Yay, Yay!!!

They called while I was at work (so long Mickey D's!!!) and my brother in law took the call...then called me!!! I was ecstatic!!

I should be starting Monday, they have to do a background problems there, except if they are checking credit, but they apparently REALLY want me!! They even bumped the pay 50cents...not a big pay raise but that effectively doubles my current pay!!

I do have to say thank you soooooo very much to Stan who was the one who called me about the job, he had seen it in the Classifieds and thought of me...THANK YOU STAN!!!!



Monday, February 05, 2007

How Fucking Stupid...


I just blew a job interview, big time blew was for Sierra Nevada Brewery as a QA microbiologist, practically a fucking dream job and I go and blow it!!! WTF!!! Dream job in that I would not have to move to a different city to get a job as a microbiologist, I wouldn't have had to pull the kids from a different school, I could have stayed in Chico and to top it all off they are a DAMN good employer. Me and my big freaking mouth...going to get some fucking duct tape next time and just have a good time making sure I don't even speak in the interview...would have had a better chance getting the job.




Ten Things About You

1. I am a bit forgetful
2. I am terrible at keeping up with people

3. I love the field of microbiology
4. I will not participate in research that involves animals
5. I have two boys who are the light of my life
6. I miss my husband very much
7. I sometimes like to talk about my self too much
8. I wish I could have a kitty
9. I do not react well to being hurt
10. I try to be a good friend

Nine Things You Love

1. My husband
2. My boys
3. Food
4. My friends
5. My family
6. long drives
7. Music that touches your soul
8. planning my future
9. Chasing

Eight Songs You Love

1. Mr. Blue – I don’t know
2. Freshmen – I don’t know
3. Rocky Mountain High – John Denver
4. Mr. Brightside – I don’t know
5. Wind beneath my wings – Bette Middler
6. Lady in Red – I don’t know
7. I’m a Bitch – I don’t know
8. The Dance – Garth Brooks

Seven Things You Wear Daily

1. Hair tie
2. Deodorant
3. Green cammo bracelet (gift from R)
4. Wedding and engagement Rings
5. Underwear
6. Jeans
7. Hoodie Sweatshirt

Six Things That Make You Smile

1. My boys
2. My husband

3. Laughing children
4. When things work out unexpectedly well
5. nice people
6. Coming home to a clean house

Five Things You're Looking Forward To

1. August
2. Letters from my hubby
3. Monday the 5th of February at 9:30am (and now Tuesday the 6th of February at 8:30am)
4. Summer and swimming and being warm again
5. Being fnancially stable

Four Things You're Scared Of

1. The dark
2. My boys not being happy
3. Becoming my mother
4. The dark

Three Things That Annoy You

1. Mean people
2. Having to ask for help
3. bad service at a restaurant

Two Of Your Favorite Books

1. A Harry Potter (no real preference here...just one of 'em)
2. It

One Thing You Can't Live Without

1. Happiness

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Finally!! HBT Update #5

I have been trying to post for days...finally got in by posting a comment on my last entry and that kept me in long enough to post!! GRRR

Well here is HBT Update #5

Well, sorry that I have not been updating but blogger is sucking the life out of my blog…it will not let me blog…kinda pissing me off really!

Hubby is doing good, he is starting week 2 (I think) of his basic training. He misses everyone a lot but is keeping his spirits up thinking of those of us at home.

We are thinking that perhaps when he is graduating from Basic I will come down to see him for the weekend. I would really like that very much!! We will take the boys on the next available weekend where they can come too, but this time finances (and we) have determined that it will just be me. So I would be leaving March 28 and returning late April 2. I still have to make the arrangements with the credit cards and what not but I am very excited…VERY VERY VERY.

Well, I have to get to bed, I have a job interview with Sierra Nevada Brewery (thanks Stan!!) tomorrow for a QA Microbiologist position…cross your fingers (plus think of all the BEER!!) .

Night all