1. We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.2. Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.3. People who are tagged must make a post about their eight things and post these rules.4. At the end of your blog post, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.5. Don't forget to leave them each a comment telling them they're tagged, and to read your blog.Eight Obscure/unknown things about me.
1. I usually stop going to stores once the people who work there start to recognize me. I don’t know why this is but it makes me incredibly uncomfortable for someone to see me in the store buying what could be very personal stuff and they know me, recognize me or anything like that. I know I said that I could be buying personal stuff but this is even true of some convenience stores where I usually do not buy anything personal.
2. I absolutely hate to ride in those big boat cars from the seventies. My father-in-law owns one and I avoid riding in it at all costs. As a child many of my mother’s “friends” owned them and it just makes me feel like so much white trash.
3. I often wonder how I ended up with such a great guy.
4. I try to give my inner drama queen a fix by watching a sad movie. If you see me watching Beaches, The Pursuit of Happyness, What Dreams May Come or some other such sappiness I am feeling the drama queen inside rear her ugly head and am trying to stop the shit I often stir up when this happens.
5. While most people know I am a complete space cadet and I would forget my ass if it wasn’t attached, they may not know that it has a cause and I am working towards curing/reducing my perpetual dingbattiness.
6. Most people also know that my mother and I do not get along very well, but I sometimes wish that we did and that we could go shopping together or do things together that other mothers and daughters do and there would be no judgment and no drama.
7. I am trying to reach a goal in life and it is to become more like my dad, self-sufficient, able to help friends and family financially, emotionally and physically, to be healthy in all those areas as well, still have the energy to deal with an active life at age 60, and have the best darn place for my grandkids to go and play (I know those last two are pretty far off but still…it’s good to have goals).
8. I am usually the one manning the camera because I don’t like how I look in pictures.
9. Bonus (why not E did it): 90% of the time I still don’t feel like a grown-up.
Unfortunately, the afore mentioned E has taken all my tags, hmmm, I will just pretend that I tagged them and that they are answering for me... :)