Friday, December 21, 2007

Update #323492378

Wow, it has been a bit since I last blogged. Somewhat of a lot has been going on, nothing big just stuff. I got a sort of lateral promotion...I will be training to work in the microbiology/PCR lab...woohoo, for now it will be just fill-in when someone is sick but soon, my sweet, soon...

I have been sick for the last week maybe longer with this very strange bug that starts making you tired and achy, then attacks your sinuses and makes you headachy, achy and tired, then it makes you have vomity (and other ended) goodness. UGH...I felt awful and was only able to take one day off from work because I could not afford to take more, not yet anyway. I am feeling much better today, matter of fact today is the first full day of me not coming home and crashing on the couch or wherever I end up landing.

Hubby leaves in two weeks and I am still in denial, I don't want him to go, I want him to stay here. I know that it is a reality, he has his freaking tickets. OH...for those not in the know...he is going back to school for the army to become a licensed physical therapist assistant on Jan come they did not have these kind of opportunities when I was in?!?!? They probably did I just never looked. Anyway, he will be gone until late July, but the good news it that he will be able to come home some weekends, when we can afford it and as often as possible of course. I will take the time now to thank those of you who I will be leaning on again, you all are what keeps me sane at times like these.

Still have not done any x-mas shopping, have put it off until VERY late again...grrr.

Well....there was more but I cannot remember it...oops! Okay, I am a gonna go...need to get ready for Christmas shopping...woohoo!