Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Surgery and stuff

So surgery went well, the best part was that the doctor even took out my appendix! I have had a fear of appendicitis for years! I blame my mom, she always was telling the story of how she had hers taken out and how scary it was for her, she was only a kid. So from now on when I have pain on my right side I will no longer run screaming, "appendicitis" to the doctor. I have found the cure of phobias, cut em out!

Seriously, surgery was good. I was a mess the first two days. My wonderful friends came by or sent flowers and really helped me through. The boys weathered well, R is still missing being picked up by me but he will be okay, S was always rather subdued when he came to my room. I don't imagine seeing me like that was comfortable for them. They are back at school this week, they had vacation last week and lived it up on video games. Been having trouble with R sneaking candy...he always gets caught, but still does it regularly, you'd think he would learn.

I have enlisted my good friend Shel to help me with a diet that I can follow and I hope to stick to it. She is wonderful with nutrition and stuff.

Well, still a little pain...okay lots but not as much as when I first got out of surgery. I can walk short distances, sit and stand on my own...getting better every day!

Thanks to everyone for all their support during this time, we really needed you and you pulled through for us...no one could wish for better friends!

Love ya

Saturday, February 07, 2009

What's going on

I realize that with my last post I was rather vague. Sorry about that, I just wanted to vent a little and that was what came out.

I have surgery on Tuesday for my large intestine resection. I am a little nervous, I will be in the hospital for five to seven days...come on by and visit or give hubby a call he will be home with the boys who will be on vacation...I will be at Enloe. Doc says he will be taking 12 to 16 inches but that after that I will be able to eat all the fruit, vegies and nuts I want, it is going to be a complete cure. BTW, I have diverticulosis...essentially small hernias in my large intestine, the only sure fire cure is to remove the affected section of bowel. It has gotten bad enough that the doc thinks that it has perforated through to my bladder...ick. So all that should be repaired on Tuesday and I should be back to new soon, about 6-8 weeks. I am going to use this time to reboot my system, I will be coming off caffeine (sp?) and sodas and junk food and fast food. It is going to be tough but I think if I view it as a lifestyle change and one for the better. I will also be exercising more.

Work is work, I hate it. I love most of the people I work with but the lady in charge of me is a real witch. I had my annual performance review on Thursday and she tore me to pieces...not one positive thing to say about me. On one level it pisses me off, I hate dreading going to work I hate feeling like I am under a microscope and that everything I say and do is being observed (it is totally true too, she had a stack of notes on me, things she heard me say and do...it was kinda scary). On the other level...I just don't care, I am leaving this place asap...I am updating my resume, looking for a teaching position that will carry me through and help me get some experience.

School is good, I am enjoying it. I taught my first lesson a couple Fridays ago and it went really well, the kids were great and were in third grade so they were still fresh and eager to learn...easy as it were. But the preparation and and actual lesson went really well and I thought the kids liked it. I was so excited and nervous but even the veteran teacher (22years) who observed was surprised that this was only my first lesson, she said I seemed like a natural. woot!

Anyway, gotta go make some coffee for my beeb.

You all take care and take it easy :)