Saturday, December 31, 2005

A few tips on how to avoid rape.

a lot has been said about how to prevent rape.
women should learn self-defense.
women should lock themselves in their houses after dark.
women shouldn't have long hair and women shouldn't wear short skirts.
women shouldn't leave drinks unattended.
fuck, they shouldn't dare to get drunk at all.

instead of that bullshit, how about:

if a woman is drunk, don't rape her.
if a woman is walking alone at night, don't rape her.
if a women is drugged and unconscious, don't rape her.
if a woman is wearing a short skirt, don't rape her.
if a woman is jogging in a park at 5 am, don't rape her.
if a woman looks like your ex-girlfriend you're still hung up on, don't rape her.
if a woman is asleep in her bed, don't rape her.
if a woman is asleep in your bed, don't rape her.
if a woman is doing her laundry, don't rape her.
if a woman is in a coma, don't rape her.
if a woman changes her mind in the middle of or about a particular activity, don't rape her.
if a woman has repeatedly refused a certain activity, don't rape her.
if a woman is not yet a woman, but a child, don't rape her.

if your girlfriend or wife is not in the mood, don't rape her.
if your step-daughter is watching tv, don't rape her.
if you break into a house and find a woman there, don't rape her.
if your friend thinks it's okay to rape someone, tell him it's not, and that he's not your friend.
if your "friend" tells you he raped someone, report him to the police.
if your frat-brother or another guy at the party tells you there's an unconscious woman
upstairs and it's your turn, don't rape her, call the police and tell the guy he's a rapist.

and tell your sons, god-sons, nephews, grandsons, sons of friends it's not okay to rape someone.
don't tell your women friends how to be safe and avoid rape.
don't imply that she could have avoided it if she'd only done/not done x.
don't imply that it's in any way her fault.
don't let silence imply agreement when someone tells you he "got some" with the drunk girl.
don't perpetuate a culture that tells you that you have no control over or responsibility for your actions.

You can, too, help yourself.

If you agree, repost it. It's that important

Friday, December 30, 2005

Join Me

A friend has recently joined a cult...not a cult, a collective. It is called Join Me. I think I will join as well, you see it is not like other cults (collective) it is all about reaching out and being good. See every Friday (Good Friday's) you do a good deed...that is it, you do a good deed.

How, You ask, do you join said cult (COLLECTIVE). You simply send a passport sized photo to:

PO BOX 33561
London E3 2YW

Not sure on the postage from America but hey...the post office will know. The page is also linked on my blog here. The web page doesn't do it justice however...looks a little bit too commercial to me...try the book...called strangely, "Join Me"


Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Post Christmas Post

Christmas turned out to be great despite my fears...the boys were very happy with their haul and I was actually able to give my dad a little something extra. He has recently started playing his guitar regularly again and he had no music stand or guitar stand. I was able to find one of each for him for a reasonable price. He was surprised and happy...

Unfortunately my step-sister (A) pulled a typical stunt of hers...We had been planning to take pictures of all six grand-boys this Christmas because this would be a fantastic opportunity to do so, because my brother and his family are in town. She decided that since my brother's wife and youngest son were recovering from a cold she did not want to risk getting her kids sick and she backed out of the pictures at the last minute. Now this may seem reasonable to everyone else but I know my sister...

My father had asked for one thing this get a picture of all his grandsons. My sister's real excuse was that her husband travels and if her boys were sick she would not be able to handle that all alone...see, she was not concerned about the welfare of the kids... she did not want to be stuck with sick kids. Not to mention that if her boys were sick and she was having trouble she would simply be able to pick up the phone and call my step-mom(her mom) and help would be on the way. Not to mention it is just a COLD! lol, she can be the drama queen!

Anyway...enough complaining...I had a great Christmas...Hubby went and got me a hoodie sweatshirt like I have been asking even says Chico State on it...he also got me a walkman so I have a ready made excuse not to talk to people on teh bus. My dad and step mom really enjoyed their gifts, so did all my nephews and to top it all off my hubby was very happy with the gifts I had for him.

I made three of the missing ornaments from each of the years of our marriage... (12 can ya believe it!) I got him socks...(he has been asking for them for forever!) and I also got him "We love Katamari" this freaky ball rolling is lots of fun...

I hope everyone else is doing good...I hope you all had a very happy christmas and merry new year!!


Saturday, December 24, 2005

X-mas non-depression

A wise (wo)man once said ( I am sure of it) that the quality of a person is determined by the quality of their friends. I must be a great person...I have wonderful friends, for that on this holiday season I am truly and forever grateful. Thank you all for your friendship.

Merry Christmas...


Friday, December 23, 2005

X-mas Depression

So I just finished my X-mas shopping. I am a little depressed, I had planned to buy the boys lots of stuff for christmas, but unfortunately there is less money than initially hoped for. I hate to be a downer and complain but this is where I go to do it so deal with it.

I hate being poor, I am giving the others in my family cheap photo albums and pictures of my family to try to cut down on expenses...I wanted to make ornaments or something or even actually buy them real gifts but I can't freaking afford it. I did however make sure to buy the kids in all the families gifts (real ones) and I hope they like them. The boys are used to comming out on christmas morning to lots of gifts...I dont have that many for them this year...we are having chicken for x-mas dinner because a ham is too expensive...THIS FUCKING SUCKS!!

Next year however, I should have a real job...or at least I will start buying stuff in August. I just dont want the kids to feel how tight money has gotten since we moved. They wont...they are great kids...they are not the type to complain if they dont get enough gifts...but I dont want them to be even in the slightest disappointed, you know.


Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Oh my God...

Here is one for loony!!

Need to cut and paste whole thing in...if I put the link in whole it is too long

Monday, December 19, 2005

Five Things

What were you doing ten years ago?
Ten years ago I was spending Christmas in a crappy "hotel" room in Turkey while stationed with Operation Provide Comfort (a mission designed to watch over Kurdish refugees in Iraq but really watching over the northern no fly zone). I was incredibly lonely and depressed. (Send a care package to a soldier please!)

What were you doing 1 year ago?
Trying to keep the freaking crazy ass cat out of the tree and a lot less worried about money.

Five Snacks that you enjoy?
1) Chocolate
2) Chocolate
3) Chocolate
4) Chocolate
5) Chocolate

Five songs you know all the lyrics to?
1) Sunshine on My Shoulders--John Denver
2) The Rose--Bette Middler
3) Baby Mine --Bette Middler
4) Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star -- Dont Know
5) Constant Sorrow--??

Five things you'd do if you were a millionaire?
1) Pay off some really pissed creditors.
2) Continue going to school.
3) Put money aside for kids college.
4) Travel.
5) Fix my car (it has been good to me, so probably would not junk it)

Five Bad Habits.
1) Massive hypochondriac (yes trust me it is a habit that is hard to break)
2) Chocolate
3) Diet Coke
4) Biting my nails
5) greedy

Five Things You Like Doing?
1) Working with my bugs.
2) Crafts with the kids
3) reading
4) being with friends and family
5) watching Law and Order

Five things you would never wear again?
1) Mini skirt
2) anything that is not thick enough to hide the bulges
3) bikini
4) shirt with an animal picture on it (unless it is the evil bunnies)
5) Size 6

Five Favorite Toys?
1) Computer
2) Microscope
3) cats (and their toys)
4) Telescope
5) Men

Non-committal tags : Gen ...not doing more...refuse!!

Friday, December 16, 2005


Well, that is it, I am done with finals, hehe...just loving the thought I have only one more round of 'em to go (for next semester) then I graduate!! I am sooooooo relieved! The last test was really tough. I think I scraped through tho...seems like I will be getting above a 3.0 gpa on this semester too...HA, the good news is just rollin in!!

Got $130 back from my books too, so was able to get a good deal of hubbies x-mas presents too...the kids stuff comes later. Any happy the last week is over...get to play with the kids and stuff...whew!!


Thursday, December 15, 2005

Nearing the end

Well, am about at the end of finals, have one more tomorrow and that will be it! Woo...hoo...

The first three have been really not too bad. Matter of fact the one I took today was down right easy...actually took more time to get from my car and back again than it took to take the test. The one on Monday was the hardest, I studied pretty hard for it and feel pretty darn good about the result. The one yesterday was okay, rather easy for a 3rd year class I think but hey, who am I to complain!! Tomorrow I have Qualitative Chemical Analysis, and yes the name implies how freaking ANAL it is!! I do not expect the test to be too hard and got some good news about it earlier last week, am actually getting an A- in the class, (not sure how I did that one) so even if I completely bomb the final I will still pass, this takes much stress off. I promised myself after doing badly the last two semesters and stressing out so much during finals week that I was not sleeping and losing hair that this semester would not be like that, that this semester I would be able to walk into my finals knowing that even failing the final would not cause me to fail the class. I am happy to say I have acheived that goal!! Yay me!

Anyhoo, have to go, hubby has a hurt back and is needing some tlc.


P.S. he is fine just sat funny while driving today and it is a bit sore.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Just had to post this

I know that I said that I would not be posting but I had a look into my school e-mail. Apparently a kid (22) who was working his way through college at the local Holiday-Inn was killed this last week by a loser who was there fighting and drinking and breaking his parole! This kid was just trying to make enough money to get through school and lo and behold, here comes this fuck up. The kid tries to break up the fight because that was his job...and the loser hits him in the head with a bottle. The kid dies the next day. He volunteered to teach kids to read english in Thailand, he volunteered with Big Brothers & Big Sisters, he was about to begin a new job with the ARC thrift store (this is a store that funds a shelter for abused women), and this asshole comes along and ends it because he is an idiot!! My heart goes out to the kids family and friends who are in grief.


Friday, December 09, 2005

Finals Week

As I enter finals week, I leave you all with only one thing...don't expect a post for at least a week and a half....

Why, you ask. Because for the next weekend I will be studying and then after that during the week I will be studying and then after that during the weekend I will be drinking

Seriously, am rather swamped and will not be online very much, so don't expect a post.


Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Holiday Ten

Instructions: Copy and paste the questions to your blog (with your answers, not mine), and tag at least three others to do the same.

1. What is your favorite holiday movie?
I will have to go with the old stand-by It's a Wonderful Live. I have only with-in the last few years seen it and I bawled like a baby...anything that does that is a good one.

2. What is your favorite holiday song (title and artist)?
I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas by I don't know who. I find myself singing it in July.

3. What's the best holiday gift you were ever given, and why?
A John Denver tape when I was about 8. I just loooove his music.

4. Do you have a special someone to kiss at the stroke of midnight on New Year's?

5. Name of your favorite reindeer?

6. Favorite Holiday food?
Chocolate Truffles

7. Snow day -- cuddle by the fire, or hand me a snowball?
Both, I like to play in the snow till I can't feel my toes and go sit by the fire!

8. What was your New Year's resoloution for this year? Did you stick to it?
HA, to lose weight, and if you saw me on Evan's blog, you know that I absolutely DID NOT!!

9. Is there really a Santa Claus?

10. Present, or stocking stuffer?

As far as my tags...
The person from Virginia.
R and S