Sunday, July 23, 2006

Evan's questions

1. Chrissy, your blog is titled West Coast High. Why?

One of my favorite musical artists is John Denver…he sings a song called Rocky Mountain High (also one of my favorite songs) and this is an homage to an artist who has touched my life with his music.

2. If you discovered the cure for one of the major diseases (AIDS, Cancer, Alzheimer's, etc.) but the development of the cure would somehow require the complete annihilation of a plant or animal species, what would you do?

Assuming that the plant or animal would no longer be required to continue to make the cure I would without hesitation develop the cure. I think we all too often try to save everything from extinction without consideration that species of all sorts have become extinct throughout history and new species have come in to being in their stead. “Mother Nature” has a plan and while we may be screwing with it by systematically wiping out a large number of species on the planet through some of our more irresponsible practices the loss of human life to some of these diseases is too great to dismiss in an effort to save a single species.

3. You and your hubby have a lot of entertainment commonalities. I know well where your tastes in film differ, and fairly well musically. Where, aside from his comic reading, do your tastes in reading differ? Is there a novel or author that is a favorite of yours that he can't stand?

Yes. I am inexplicably attracted to V.C. Andrews…you know the one that writes about young girls and incest galore…I really don’t know why I like these novels but I do and he does not.

4. In your estimation, what are your best and worst qualities?

Argh…this is one I always struggle with in my own mind…lol. I guess my best quality is my ability to consider situations from other peoples perspectives…I think this helps me be a better parent, friend and wife. It also helps me to play the devils advocate. My worst quality would have to be my tendency to worry too much what people think of me and therefore be a bit of a people pleaser. I am constantly trying to guage if people are mad, happy or whatever with me…and trying to fix it if they are mad.

5. What's your favorite country and why?

Of the countries I have visited and lived in my most favorite is Germany, the majority of the people are very receptive to Americans, the scenery is absolutely beautiful and I have a strong love of castles of which Germany has many. Turkey is also a contender…mostly because the culture there is so very different from our own that there is always something new to learn about the Turks. Also because they thought I was so very unique with my blonde hair and blue eyes!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Bicycle adventures

Took R to the school today so he can practice riding with out training wheels. He is a whiz at it...I had this image in my head of us practicing for a while and then heading home after many bumps and scrapes...however, he fooled me again! He is riding like a pro, even tried to ride without any hands...nearly fell but did better when he tried to ride with only one hand and no feet...wish I had grabbed my camera :(

All is well elsewhere...trying to stay cool even though it is in the 100's again today. The weather man must have taken a vacation because yesterday they were saying that today was supposed to be sunny and near 110 but instead we have hot muggy clouds and are around 100. now tell me, how does a WEATHER man miss the huge amount of clouds that were over us today?!? lol.

That is about it for me...


Monday, July 17, 2006

Hot...Damn Hot!

Well as you may be able to tell from the is freaking hot...supposed to be 108 today and poor S is unable to swim because he has swimmers ear... :( Still, we will trudge on and keep him cool...somehow!

Am doing better health wise, started back on my exercise regimen and hopefully this time won't get thrown off track again....the doc says that it may all return again this month but am keeping fingers and toes crossed that this is not the case.

Hubby came home this weekend and told us that the Israelis started bombing Lebanon and I was just flabbergasted. Guess that serves me right for consciously avoiding the news. It is getting scary over afraid that things will never be calm and peaceful. I was reading up on it and the strangest thing...CNN was running a poll asking who would better establish peace...the UN or the US. It occured to me right then...neither...the only ones that can establish lasting peace is the people fighting. It is as if someone were to have stepped in during our Civil War and demanded that we stop fighting...the actual battles may stop but the fighting and bitterness would not have...eventually coming to a head again every 10-15 years and merely prolonging the problem. Kinda like what is happening now in the middle east. Perhaps I am oversimplifying what is happening there now but I really believe that the only real lasting resolution for peace is going to come from the people that will come about I am not sure...I am afraid it will get worse before it gets better though.

Enough from me for now...


Friday, July 07, 2006


It has been made known to me that I was a bit obscure when I was describing my situation with my poor tummy.

It was a burst cyst on my ovary. I am feeling considerably better though there is still some pain for which I will have to go back to my doc on Monday if it is not all better by then.

The cuppie situation is solved, found a new supplier with sturdy cups!

The boys are away for the weekend and hubby and I plan to enjoy the quiet! Yay...but then I already miss them...they only left 45 minutes ago!

All in all doing good and thanks for the healthy thoughts!

Also just noticed that the new Pirates movie is getting bad reviews...totally bummed about that...I absolutely loved the first and the actors have all returned...then again LOTR three got a bad review and I thought it was we will see...I will reserve my judgement! Also of course the bad reviewers are the same who liked such smarmy movies as Titanic and Superman I don't put much weight into their reviews!


Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The Great Cuppie Depression.

I have issues...I know this...I have one particular issue that has to do with my cups. I have a fondness for styrofoam cups...big ones. It has become so very "issuish" that I have trouble getting the correct amount of fluids lately if my cup is not available. Since about two weeks ago it has become difficult for me...I have run into a series of problems that have rendered my cuppies scarce.

My favorite convenience store was sold, the new owners have changed from my cuppie to the flimsy paper ones. The second to last one I bought there was tossed into the trash by a very well intentioned person yet still I was cuppieless. The very last one I bought there was seeping rather quicker than usual. Since then I have been on a cuppie hunt. I finally found a place but unfortunately they only sell Diet Pepsi......guess I can't be toooo picky! So yesterday...the 4th of July I buy one and happily sit sipping my second cuppieful of my water/tea mix when what do you know!?!? I flippin' drop it! I am so upset that I can only just sit there while my water/tea dribbles out the bottom and sip as quickly as possible so as to get as much enjoyment as possible out of my poor mangled cuppie before it is empty. Finally today...I go back to the store and get myself another cuppie and as I pull the lever to open the door to my car I realize it is locked...I search for the keys...not in my pockets or purse...and ever so dreadfully look at the ignition and there they are. I had to walk home...get the other set and walk back but I got my freakin cuppie damn it!! And I am gonna wrap it in duct tape to protect it from seepage, breakage and the garbage!!!

There folks is my tale of the Great Cuppie Depression...which is hopefully over!