Wow, I know it has been forever, but life gets in the way sometimes. I am mainly writing for two reasons today, but I will take a moment to update a little. Hubby is doing good over there in San Antonio, he is having to study hard and has quit smoking, I am really proud of him but am ready for him to come home and stay a while. S is doing good, he was at a friends house last night, I was of course a little nervous. R is doing good too, he has to switch medications coming here shortly because his is doing a number on his belly and not working so great anymore. I am doing pretty good, missing hubby and gearing up for what looks to be another very busy baseball season. Work is okay, I am ready for something new, a promotion perhaps...who knows.
Now for the main reasons I am writing. Yesterday I was approached in front of my local Walmart by a man looking for people to sign his petition, normally if the petition is worthy I will sign, but this guy wanted me to sign one that will keep marriage between a man and a woman. I was angered by this, it is so freaking discriminatory! I, of course, said, "no thank you" but later thought of some cool things I could have said instead. Who the hell is the government or these idiots to tell people who they can and can't marry. What if he had said to keep marriage between white people only, let me tell you, the shit would hit the fan. So why is it okay to discriminate this way? Anyway...nuff said.
Secondly, my very good friend Evan wrote in one of his first posts of the new year that he wanted not to make a new years resolution but to choose a word and work the entire year to become more like that word. This really stuck with me, I have thought about it since his post about it and I have finally decided on a word. It is friendly. I know, for most of you reading this I am a very friendly person, but you all are in my circle, this is meant for those people that are not in my circle. Let me tell you, it is a lot of work trying to be friendly to other people...I am working on trying to remember things about people, their kids, their spouses and even their names. It is kind of a good challenge though.
Anyway, that is what is up with me.