What is the story behind your couch?
We purchased it many years ago when I got out of the army. I had gotten a pretty decent settlement and used part of it to buy the set we currently have, the entertainment center, side tables, coffee table and dining set. Hubby had been working at a furniture store and we had spotted it in the store and fell in love. It is truly one of my favorite posessions.
-What do you use your kitchen table for most?
Eating, D&D, games, homework for the kids, setting things on when I get home and it is where I most prefer to have my friend D give me tarot readings.
-Do you make your bed?
No, usually my bed is never made. One of the main reasons is because I am lazy, the second and close runner up is that my hubby likes to have the bed made around him before we sleep, weird…I really don’t like having someone do that but he does…freak.
-How did you spend Sunday night?
Sunday night was spent getting the kidlets ready for bed, lunches made and clothes picked out for the next day of school. Afterwards hubby and I spent a few precious minutes snuggling and watching a movie before going to bed, we were both tired and him sick so off we went.
-Beer? Wine? Liquor? What's your poison?
I actually used to hate all of them, but having obtained employment at a brewery, attended a class on wine tasting and learned to make some nifty mixed drinks I actually like all of them equally. I may lean a little closer to the beer side of the house simply because I have learned so much about them and have discovered that there are many beers out there…this leads to undiscovered country and adventure in my book so I have begun trying new beers. I used to think I liked the lighter (usually lower BU) beers best but I have also recently discovered stout and like it too.
-What happened to your first love?
I was infatuated with an airman from the nearby base, he dumped me as I would not submit to his desires…but I do not think that was love. I truly believe my first love was the man I married. He was the first one that I still wanted to be around after spending all day with him, he was the first one I couldn’t stop thinking about, he was (and is) the first one to bring a smile to my face when I think of seeing him or being with him. He is the person in this world I trust the most and the one I want to sit next to when I am old and wrinkled with my boobs hanging to my knees and his head bald and shiny…
-How do you get your laundry done?
Used to be I would work on it over a weekend or even all week then sit down and fold while watching Law & Order…however, hubby has recently taken to doing the laundry on Friday (halleluja and thank you very much!!) so I sit on Friday evening or Saturday morning and fold…while watching law & Order.
-Coffee... want or need?
NEITHER!!! I hate coffee, unless it is the frufru coffee with the chocolate and blended and nice and cold…then I will drink it…but my drink of choice is Diet Coke, it just clears the throat and is so very refreshing!!!
-Are you over ramen noodles?
Sadly, no, I love them, I do not eat them as often as I used to but I do still like them.
-What is your guilty pleasure movie?
I will follow my friend Evan’s lead and list them according do genre (especially since he already listed the genres and I won’t have to remember them all).
Musical: RentHorror: Evil Dead
Comedy: Jackass (sorry, I know…but it is so fucking funny)
Action/Crime: Lord of the Rings (is that an action movie?)
Drama: Pursuit of Happyness, Beaches, What Dreams May Come
Porn: Not telling, if you know me that way, you know my likes…
Children's: Harry Potter 1 & 2
Chick-Flick: See Drama
Sci-Fi: Slither, The Thing
Fantasy: Lord of the Rings (oh, I guess this is where it fits)
Gay: I have only seen one…so, Brokeback Mountain
-How do you justify using your credit cards?
I do not believe in credit cards…If I don’t have the cash I don’t need it that bad. Although there have been times when I wished I had one, when my mother had a heart attack and I did not have the money to go visit for instance.
-How do you feel about Harry Potter?
I love, love, love, love the books….only the first two movies are worth beans though…sadly….
-What do you look for in 'the one'?
Understanding, patience, love, friendship, thoughtfulness, passion. I love to receive a small gift, a flower from the side of the road, a piece of chocolate or some little token that shows he was thinking of me while he was out…not everyday…just occasionally. I have a tendency to be a little crazy on occasion and it is really helpful that he is patient and understanding. I love to be silly and laugh and play…
-What newspaper do you read?
I do not currently read a newspaper, I feel that I should simply because I should be a little more up to date with the world and what is going on in it. If I were to read a paper it would probably be the local one and then CNN online. I like to know what events they are having locally.
-What is the mantra you use to get through the rough days?
”I have gotten paid less for doing worse” I have had several jobs, some of them not good, and lots of them did not pay enough for the shit you had to do…So having a good job now and getting paid decently for it is not so bad really… As for the rough days at home, I don’t have a mantra, I just set things right and move on…luckily this has not been much of an issue lately…
-How do you "pick up" at bars?
I suck so bad at picking anything or anyone up…I cannot flirt…just…so…very…bad.
-How many one-night stands have you had?
-Do you remember your dreams?
Considering that most people dream away most of their sleeping/REM time, I do not remember even 1%. But the ones I do remember are very strange and a bit like watching a Twin Peaks episode.
-Do you want kids?
I always have, I even want to have more but I do not want to have anymore babies…I like where my boys are at as far as being able to take care of themselves for the most part but still needing a mommy hug sometimes.
-When do you want to get married?
Um…NEVER…just kidding…
-What is your magic number?
I don’t have one really..I sometimes think it might just be 13 though.
-Where is that special someone right now?
Playing with google earth on the new HYUGE tv.
-Do you have a will?
I do not, I need to make one, but they are expensive and more than a little scary…I have a fear that if I were to actually have one it means that I will then die and no longer be on this earth.
-What was the best day of your life?
February 7, 1994, May 5, 1998, November 30, 2000, May 21, 2006. In order: my wedding day, S’s Birthday, R’s birthday, the day I graduated from college.
-Is it harder to be rejected or to reject someone else?
I do not deal well with rejection of any sort, it can send me into that sort of craziness that my poor hubby has to have patience for. Because of that I cannot reject other people with out feeling incredibly guilty even if they are being horrible people.
-Who's your favorite person?
There is not a single person who is my favorite, I like everyone for different reasons and in different ways.
-What are you listening to?
My husband and my son talking about google earth and each wanting to look at different views such as the grand canyon, our house, where poppy spent his army time, etc.
-What's the last thing you drank?
Water with dinner…I really should have some more though…oohh perhaps with some crystal light…mmmm good.
-Have you been on a date in the past week?
I was supposed to go on Friday last but it didn’t work out…maybe next weekend
where are you going on your next vacation?
I am really hoping to get to the coast very soon…although it is going to be rather cold right now. I would also love to go on a cruise someday…like to the Carribean…the water looks so very peaceful in the pictures.
-Have you ever thrown up from working out?
Yes, when I was in the army I ran my final PT for AIT with the thought that my passing the test would mean that my then fiance and I could go up north later that day and get married…I passed, puked and got married.
-Are most of the friends in your life new or old?
Most of my friends are old friends, meaning they are good ones…even if I have only known them a few months.
-Have you ever gotten so wasted you didn't know what was going on?
Ugh…yes…I have on several occasions…that is always more than a little scary.
-Do you like pulpy orange juice?
ICK!!! I don’t like juice wether it has fruit carcas in it or not.
-Are you touchy-feely?
No, very much not. I am with my kids and my husband but with most people I am a non-toucher…unless I have been drinnking, I tend to get a little handsy.
-Do you prefer the tanning bed or the sun?
I prefer the sun. I like to swim, fish and camp…I have been considering going hiking and taking that up as a hobby so the sun kinda comes with the territory. However, if sun is unavailable due to the complete lack of a comfortable temperature in which to do these activities or working many hours, I will go to a tanning booth.
-What are your biggest pet peeves?
Oh wow…this is gonna be a long answer. People who lie or try to one up you, people who are mean. Bad drivers, bad hygeine, crusty plaquey teeth, BO, people who sit and let others work their butts off. People who know they have a glaring fault and make no attempt to change it. People who talk down to me or treat me like a child. People who would rather go through my boss for a problem with me than talk to me. Slow computer connections, my car window that will sometimes get stuck in the down position. Rain on a good hair day, my forgetfulness, other people being forgetful. Wrinkled tee-shirts, wrinkled jeans (mine, I don’t care if yours are). Having to hunt for socks or underwear, forgetting to grab a towel before jumping in the shower, burning myself on my hair straightener, people who are not understanding or empathetic. People who say they are alergic to something rather than just say they don’t like it. Governmental intervention in my parenting style (I mean, come on, there is abuse and there is discipline, a very fine line but with out discipline you end up so frustrated that abuse is a possibility). Well you get the idea…I am sure if I thought about it I would come up with more, but I think I may be done complaining/listing them for now.
-Do you consider yourself bi-polar?
Perhaps. There are times when I think I may be but who really knows.
-What's something your friends make fun of you for?
My very poor Turbo Cranium skills. Clowns. Bwwwhhhhaaaaa…you know what I am talking about…lol.
-What's your worst personality flaw?
Moodiness, drama queen tendencies.
-Would you ever parachute off of a plane?
Nope, I was signed up to go Airborne in the army and on the trip to basic training (in a plane) I realized I am very scared of heights so I did not go Airborne…chicken, I know.
-Have you ever ridden an elephant?
Yes, at Six Flags they had an elephant ride…not in the slightest way comfortable.
-Are you Irish in any way?
I am certain that somewhere in my history there are some Irish people. My mother often alternated between calling me a Heintz 57 (57 different counrties) and a mutt.
-Have you ever been to a nude beach?
No I am incredibly self conscious and therefore going to a nude beach would be tantamount to me climbing Mt. Everest (with my fear of heights).
-Have you ever drank Jack Daniels?
Yes, I used to really favor Jack and Coke but not so much anymore.
-What are you saving your money up for right now?
I only wish I could truly save money…(sigh)…if I were saving money, it would be to first pay off some bills and then eventually buy a house…I have realized that I would really love the chance to do the little home improvement ideas that I have and know that it is being done to something that is mine and that I will be able to enjoy for the rest of my days…plus, I want a kitty and don’t want to have to pay a humongous deposit to have one.
-What was the last gift card you received?
Christmas? No, I got one from my dad when I got hired permanently at SN. A congrats gift for having gotten a real job…finally…lol.
-Does the number of people a person's slept with affect your opinion?
No, as long as they used protections, honestly, it is not even a subject that comes up for me, it is not one of those make or break things.
-Have you ever gone to a party where you were the only sober person?
Yes, for quite some time if would not drink, and therefore was the designated driver or whatever. Sometimes it was hilarious, sometimes it was freaky, most of the time it was pretty good though.
-What do you do when you spot a bug in your house?
Scream hysterically, especially if it is a roach, which, fortunately I have not had in my home since hubby and I lived in Louisiana…the roaches there were big enough to take off with small children! Mostly right now we find a few spiders here and there, nothing big…although I still hate spiders I just don’t hate them as much as roaches.
-Where's your cellphone?
In my pocket, I always try to have it on me, it is my lifeline, the people call me for the most part call my cell, when hubby was away it never left my side because he would call me on it. It is also part of my multi-alarm system to wake me up for work, so it really should be attached. I am hoping to get a new one, the one I have is the free one you get for buying other phones, you know, the cheapie. The one I want is like a Blackberry, with all the bells and whistles, date book, notebook, budgeting abilities, alarms, calendars, etc.
-Who are you talking to?
Noone, I am trying to type and typing and talking do not go well together.
-Who are you crushing on?
Hmmm, I really like Will Smith (he is such a fantastic actor, he can access the spectrum of emotions and play them well, plus he is cute), Orlando Bloom (my sister-in-law got me a signed picture of him…mmmmm yummy, not so much with the acting yet, but he has potential) and Jessica Alba (God she is hot).
-Ever had sex in a graveyard?
No, just waaayyyy too creeped out by them…perhaps that is something I should try though!
-Ever had sex in a church?
No, (sigh) I am starting to sound boring here…going to have to get more adventurous.
-Ever tried the 'Bloody Mary' trick in the bathroom?
Yes, it didn’t work…bummer.
-Ever played strip poker?
Yep, and seeing as how I suck at poker I was nekkid pretty quick..lol.
-Ever played video games?
I have played them but I don’t particularly care for them, not my thing I guess. Though I do love the SimCity.
-Ever played pool?
I have, I suck at this too, although I believe I have lots of fun playing it!
-Do you love weapons?
No I am a die hard (lol) pacifist. I do not believe in using violence to solve problems or get my food, that is what the grocery store is for, let the guys at the slaughter house have the guilt. I have had enough violence for my lifetime.
-Ever killed someone?
No, I have thought about it, played a part in the potential death of one person and been touched by someone being killed…I guess that is enough.
-Ever been arrested?
No and I have never been pulled over in the United States either…weird, I think I am one of the most lead footed (is that a word) persons I know…80ish all the way baby!!
-Do you watch 'Jackass'?
Yes, the movie(s) nearly made me pee my pants…good funny stuff.