Happy Birthday R!!
Today is the little one's B-day....he is turning 5!!
Maybe it is just me, but I absolutely hate it when I am working and other people are sitting playing video games or reading or just plain not helping. These same people pass by the work that I am doing such as the dishes or cleaning the house and ignore the mess, they also leave GIGANTIC messes in their wake. For instance, today when I went into the washer I had to move FUCKING pie tins and whip cream bowls to get into it!!! WTF, I hate to be a nag or even ask people to clean up AFTER THEMSELVES but Christ, it is like I am living with 5 kids instead of 2!!
1. Given our recent discussion about your having more kids, have you considered surrogacy?
Well, It actually went well. The visit with my mom I mean. We visited on Friday to make sure that we were okay and then today I brought the kids over to her hotel to visit her.
So, today, Friday, after Thanksgiving I am going to visit my mother. I called her yesterday and we talked about some things that are hard to say in letters. She is staying here in town at a hotel (visiting other family) and I asked if she wanted to get together. Today after my father picks up my kids for a visit with him I am going to see her.
Ants, Aunts...spell it how ya like, I have officially become one again...my step-sister gave birth to the sixth boy in the family (grandchildren) last night. So far no girls and no one else wants to try so looks like it is a boy family. Took her about 4 hours and he weighs in the ballpark of about 8 1/2 lbs. He has four names including the last name, from what I understand he is healthy and happy!
Just got a letter from my mother. It was very sad. She seems to still be convinced that I do not care or want her presence in my life. In her letter were many, many little cuts. I am not sure if I can convey how her words feel. Her way of speaking is apparent in her letters, her inflections, tone and disdain (sp?) is laced throughout. When she appologizes for the short notice on a visit for Thanksgiving, she says she knows she should have notified me 6 months ago. That one was sarcasm. She was commenting on the fact that last Christmas she gave me two days notice (not unlike this time) that she was coming down and would be in Corning but would go no further or closer to me, I had to make my way the rest of the way. Unfortunately, that Christmas we were so short on cash I could not afford the gas to make it to Corning and she became upset. I said that I could not make such a change in plans on such short notice and that made her feel hurt too. I also mentioned, probably mistakenly, that I had a choice between visiting her and visiting my father. I chose my dad because he has been an active participant in the boys life, while she just made excuses.
Was just dropping off my son at school and heard that last night the Republicans got a bill through that will cut $17 billion in spending. Normally politics doesn't affect me, but this just got me going! The spending axe falls on to the social welfare programs, like foster care, adoption assistance, student loans, food stamps and the like. They blamed the need for such cuts in these types of programs on Hurricane Katrina rebuild. LIARS!! There are two reasons why I say such a thing...
So quick update on my goings on.
My poor, misused and abused car has coughed again...I am relieved, however, that it was not it's last cough. It has been slow to start and even needed a jump for the last few weeks, the other day the darn thing nearly died sitting at a stoplight and this morning it would not stay running with out the charger attached. This to me meant my worst fears had been realized, that the darn thing had given up life before I graduated, but hurrah, it still lives. I took it to Sears, where for a "fraction" of the cost because of the old warranty on the battery they replaced it and tested the alternator to make sure it was okay. The reason why it was acting like an alternator problem was because the cables and battery were so bad that it was sucking more power than the alternator could provide and therefore the nearly dying and what not. So, anyway, they replaced the battery, cables and various attachments for their "fraction" of the cost which turned out to be $84 for a $59 battery...not sure on the math there but hey, it runs and the best part...the alternator is fine!!! Yay...
Got my second blog spam today, you know it really takes the steam out of your sails to go in and see someone commented on your heartfelt-soul-pouring-out blog and find that they are advertising something and not commenting on you. Lol...so for future stuff, have to have a confirmation word thingy...sorry for the inconvenience for the multitudes that want to comment... :)
Went to the doctor today about my feet/hands/neck and what not. I walked out so frustrated that I was almost crying, finally did once I got to my car. I am so sick of hearing that I am too young to have as much pain as I say I am, that the diseases that my symptoms are pointing to are for people who are older than I am. I FREAKING already know this!! Does not change one iota how much it hurts though!!!
Well, this is the first time I am blogging here. Wonder if I should move my other posts over, this one seems better.